Monday, February 4, 2008

What is your opinion about the Watertown School District training rule policy that led to five student athletes being suspended for the remainder of the basketball season for drinking alcohol?


keeping an eye out said...

I am by no means advocating underage drinking. The only question I ask is why the school has to be involved in these matters at all. In my family my parents and the police are the two groups that punish me. It almost seem like an invasion of privacy that the school officials find out at all. Unless of course the offense occured on school prop. or at a school sponsered event, then you fully have a right to punish. Another thing i have wondered about is why un-involved students aren't punished. It almost seems that if your involved in our schools extra curricular activities you are hurt worse than those who refuse to participate. Almost all of us have parental figures who are more than capable of handling these situations on their own. There is no need to publicly humiliate offenders of misdemeanor crimes.

1dellmana said...

i think that this is a good policy. it would certainly get kids to think twice about drinking when they are in sports. if they do this as a senior their season and high school career is over. i would say that should be motivation enough not to be caught drinking while in sports.

1aicheled said...

I think that it was good and if the kids are gonna be drunks then they deserve to be punished. i seem to recall that we certain boy at our school that recieved a similar punishment, and it seemed to work on him. Btw I would like to invite you to come and play mud-volleyball at my open house on the 22nd from 6-8. It's going to be fun!

1blyb said...

i completly agree with the previous post. i dont understand why if the event had nothing to do with school, why kids are punished at school.

1whipkeyc said...

I think that this is a great way to get students, particulary student-athletes, to understand the consequences of underage drinking. As a student-athlete, when you drink you are not only hurting yourself, but you are hurting your teammates, your coaches, your classmates, your school district, and your community. Students do not understand the ramifications of a night of what they think is harmless fun

1laycocka_ said...

I am not a fan of the One and Done policy. I believe that teenagers will test the limits of the law...thats just human nature. It is your job to try to prevent it. The One and DONe policy gives the suspended athelete more time to drink or obtain substances.

4CarlsonAndy said...

I think it is a good idea. The athletes know that they wont get into too much trouble if they drink basically a slap on the hand i think it's a great idea to inforce some rules and let them know there will be a punishment for their actions!

4RamseJ said...

Dr. Talcott, maybe if you updated your comments as often as Mr. C-which is almost on a daily basis, more students would be apt to respond to your topics. Also, you don't promote your website as much as Mr. C did/does(it was on the white board for at least three weeks).
I'm sure now that kids know you have a website more will leave you comments!
In the mean time, work on some new topics! =)

4sawyers said...

I agree with whipkey. This policy though it may be strict would deffinetly deture kids from drinking so that they wouldnt be held out of their sports. The policy discriminates against athletes but athletes are roll models for kids and should be held to a higher standerd.

4chleboradm said...

I don't agree with the policy. If you kick kids outta sports for getting caught drinking, that will only free up more time for drinking. Kids should not be punished with the school system if their drinking was not involved with school, or a school event.

4dalyb said...

I agree with it, its a great incentive to not be stupid and drink.

4castlew said...

I know some people in Watertown and they all say that they dont agree with the punishment that is in place. Maybe they should all be like the "golden child" up there and follow his steps. But I can see where they are comming from. If you are caught drinking it doesn't only hurt yourself it hurts your team as well. The one and done policy I think would help and deffinetly prevent many people from drinking while they're in a sport. But high school kids will and do try things so I dont think their hole season should be ruined becuase I bet 90% of athletes in sports have drank before so there are many others that are sneaky about it. But i don't have much of an opinion about it becuase I wont have to worry about it anymore.

4RamseJ said...

First of all, it depends on the date the kids were found drinking. If Watertown has a rule similar to ours(around 2 weeks of sitting out), and the kids were found drinking near the end of the season they deserve to sit out for the remainder of the season. However, if they were found drinking in the beginning of the school year/season ,it seems completely irrational to me.
Although punishment this hard may serve as a deterrant(sp?), it is human nature to be curious about things. Drinking is something that has and will always happen with underage kids. Punishment will not stop underage drinking, but at the most postpone it until the athlete's major sport is over with.

Gbeesley020 said...

this is an excellent policy because these young men are role models to the younger students at the middle and elementary schools so if u are caught drinking than u desirve to take the punishment if there was no extremely harsh punishment kids would continue to do things that would not make them very good role models to younger children