Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Great news the School Board granted the high school permission to apply for the Classroom Connections Project. This means that we can begin the process of trying to be one of the high schools in South Dakota that will be able to provide tablet laptop computers for our students. If we are accepted into this project the school board will then determine if they will give final approval. This is a major initiative and we are seeking input from students, parents and community members.

What questions or comments do you have about the Classroom Connections Project?
(All comments must be accompanied with the name of the person submitting it)


Stacey H said...

I have a few concerns about this issue:
1. Are the laptops confined to school property only? I am concerned about this piece of equipment traveling back and forth with my stepson every day. His backpack is already full of every book as it is.
2. What happens if the laptop gets damaged? Who is responsible? I just see a lot of liability here if the student is carrying this around all day as well as back and forth to school. I certainly wouldn't allow for a home laptop to be treated as such and just wondered how this will be handled.
3. Are the students allowed to use the internet with the laptops? We have had issues with our son's computer useage at home and have currently taken away this privilege for leisure completely. What safe guards will there be on the laptop to keep our wishes upheld with this discipline?
4. What about theft? How do you plan to keep the kids from stealing these from other kids?

While I think it would be a wonderful tool for the kids to have in a perfect world, I just see this to be a hassle and a huge liability as I mentioned before.

tlais said...

I think that the laptops would be awesome for the students. Many college students have laptops to navigate through their post secondary schooling. I DO realize that a college student is at a higher maturity level and is more capeable of handling the computer, but the goal of high school is to get the students ready for college isn't it?

1larsenk said...

I think its a good idea to have the laptops but at the same time with laptops there is going to be alot of liabilitys and technical errors that can occur, I think it would further the ability to learn though.

Mr. Matt Christensen said...

I'd love to have the computers for every student. I could help them think more, quite simply. It'd be best if a major company donated the money, as well. Citibank came through last time, right?